EDGE VS NEW Product Line Up - May 2017

Edge VS, product by Monster. New product line up.

Edge EZ RM180
Edge BT11 RM280
Edge BT21 v2 RM580
Edge BT31 RM880

Your car engine & audio reinforcement.

1 special trick to enjoy EDGE VS, it need you to drive for [run in process]to make it 100% fully release its potential 

Run in for 15 hours after installation, Edge VS a lot of the same effects like others VS. The sound system quality began to change.
Run in 30 hours - Try to raise the RPM power, you will find that different before install Edge. Sound Bass began nicely.
Run in 50 hours - You'll be very confident of the product.
Run in 70 hours - In addition to power, you will find your original car audio can be so satisfied. People will think you are epileptic when sharing with them your experience.
Run in 100 hours - If you removed Edge for your friends to try. . Please take care of yourself. Your VS never return back.


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